Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Are Stay at Home Moms, Lazy?

I must admit, the following video clips have struck a nerve.

My gut reaction was to throw an adult version of a temper tantrum and ask the woman, "how in the world do you justify that statement? Do you have any idea what I do all day? 

Lazy would not be the term that I would use to describe a mother- whether a stay at home mom, working mom, work from home mom, or single mom. Granted, there are exceptions to every rule and I am not naive enough to pretend that there are not mothers out there who are indeed lazy. But to sit on national television and state that stay at home moms are lazy, as though this were a universal truth, unnerves me. Now, I am not going to sit here and list all of the things that I do on an average day so as to convince you that I am not lazy. I don't see the point and frankly, I do not wish to stoop down to her level. Am I curious however, to hear what you think. Do you agree with this woman? Do you consider her statement rather harsh? Are you indifferent? Leave a comment below and let me know what you think.


  1. This video gripes me. I think women who have children have a responsibility to raise those children. Sending them to daycare means someone else is raising them.

    I have been a stay at home mom, a work outside the home mom, and a work at home mom. Kids need their mom, or dad, home. PERIOD. I realize this can't always happen. I fully support women who choose to stay at home. I think it's the harder choice and anyone who says moms who stay at home are lazy hasn't been a good stay at home mom.

  2. Julie- I agree with you! I have been both a working mother and now I stay at home with my two sons. I must say, being at home with them have proven to be much more difficult than when I was working. My husband and I have sacrificed a lot for me to be able to stay at home because we felt that it was necessary for our family.

    I think that it is a choice that each individual family makes and that others should support regardless. After all, we are not always aware of the specific reasons or circumstances behind each decision.

    Thank you for your input!

  3. Ugh. I need to take a deep breath. I don't think I have anything nice to say, so I should keep my mouth shut. I agree with you completely. I would love to hear what Dr. Laura thinks about the video! Now, that would be a hoot.

    1. Ashley- Now that would be a hoot! I did not watch the entire episode of Anderson Cooper, so I do not know how the issue was resolved, I saw the clips above on a friend of mine's blog. I actually waited a couple of days before posting because I was fuming! I figured that it would be best to post after I had had a chance to calm down. :)

      Thank you for stopping by!

  4. Maybe I'm just too old to care what other people like this say. Someone ignorant stating their opinion as if its a fact does not give it merit. Of course I stopped watching shows like this because I found this kind of inane spouting to just irritate me, so IF I had watched it, I'd probably be saying, "What a moron!!!" I just don't care enough to react anymore, I guess.

    That being said, I think lazy is a relative term. I am a VERY lazy person when it comes to anything I'm not passionate about. I will always choose to take the lazy route if I can... BUT, I accomplish a lot more than a lot of people because I don't waste my time with busy work that isn't going to result in much. My hosue isn't the cleanest, but I've managed to homeschool my kids for the last 16 years (my oldest is twenty and graduated a couple of years ago, my youngest is 11). I've written, directed, acted and produced several plays for our local community theater. I taught fitness classes 3-5 days a week for four years (sometimes as many as 7 a week).

    So, eh, I think of myself as lazy because that's my base nature. But you get me excited or passionate about something, and I can accomplish seemingly impossible things.

    Anyway, I was just coming her to leave a little intro type comment, but instead I left a novella. I like to write, and talk, what can I say??:)

    1. I very much appreciate you stopping by and giving your input! :) I would have to agree, lazy is a very relative term.

  5. When I saw this my mouth dropped. I'm not a mom yet but this totally bothered me!!

    Nice to "meet" you today!

  6. Vannessa- I'm so glad to have "met" you as well! Thanks for stopping by!


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