
Monday, January 7, 2013

Blog Update

As many of you know, I am transitioning over to WordPress. So I wanted to apologize to those of you who are new to {All Things New} for the lack of consistent blog posts. Making the switch to a self-hosted site, and designing my own blog without the assistance of a web designer, has proven far more difficult than I had originally thought. Thank you, for being such gracious readers. It means the world to me.

Also, I don't know why, but I am experiencing trouble with GFC. I have been for months and I cannot seem to figure out what is wrong. Each time I visit a blog and try to follow back (because I really do want to follow along with those who are graciously following me) I receive a 404 Error code. So, if you are new to {All Things New} and are following me via GFC, I promise that I will find a way to follow your blog through some other means. Whether that is RSS, email, social media sites, etc.

Lastly, I am hoping to schedule a FABULOUS giveaway to help launch my new blog, so stay tuned!! If all goes well, it will feature my new favorite boutique- Kiki La'Rue. You will not want to miss it!!

Y'all are amazing and I consider myself blessed to be a part of your life in some form or fashion. Thank you again for extending such grace to me. You are the reason I am still blogging :)


  1. Can't wait to see your new blog!!! :)

  2. Looking forward to seeing your new blog!! :)

    1. You are so sweet, Marci! Thank you for your support!

  3. Looking forward to seeing your new blog! I have a feeling you are going to have a blessed 2013 and that you are going to be a wonderful influence to many:)

    God bless,

    1. Thank you so much, Lisa! I do hope that 2013 will be a wonderful year :)

  4. excited to see what you have in store :)


    1. Thank you!! I just hope that I am able to get things situated soon. I miss blogging and cannot wait to get back into the swing of things :)

  5. I can't decide whether to switch to Word Press or not. Good luck!

    1. It takes some getting used to. It's very different, but I am glad that I made the change. I can't wait to get to know you, Chaton!

  6. Cant wait to see the new blog and all that comes with it! I know a lot of people have problems with GFC. Sadly. Following from Bloggy Moms :)

    1. I am so glad that you found me, Kim! Welcome!! I cannot wait to get to know you. I'm sorry that you found me during a transitional phase, but I hope to have everything in order soon.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you, Margaret!! It means the world to me that you read and comment on my blog. :)


I love reading your comments! They brighten my day!