Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mystery Giveaway

October is my Birthday month for {All Things New}!

That's right, {All Things New} is celebrating it's first birthday at the end of this month and I wanted to say thank you for all of the love and support you have shown me over the past year. And just to spice things up a little, this giveaway is a SURPRISE :) 
Who doesn't like surprises?! 

Each week I will provide you with a clue as to what the surprise is and it will be revealed once the winner is drawn on the 29th- the day I started {All Things New}.
Have fun and good luck to all who participate.

Clue #1: 8-2-7-4-3-8// 4-4-3-8// 2-2-7-3
{hint: check out the keypad on your phone}

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The {faith} filled life: Week #12

All Things New

The purpose of this link up is to put the abundant goodness of God on display for all nations to see!

Write a blog post and share with us how God is currently working in your life. It can be a passage of Scripture that God has used to speak to you. A devotional. A song that particularly ministered to you. A poem that you wrote or were inspired by. A photograph that you took. A personal testimony of God's grace. A call to action. A challenge. Use your creativity, for it is a magnificent gift given to us by the Creator Himself! 

All posts will be vetted and I reserve the right to delete any link that does not support the purpose mentioned above. 

If you are on Twitter or Instagram, use the hash tag #faithfilledlife to follow along with others.  Feel free to grab a button and share this link up with your readers. Let's continue to make much of Jesus.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Share the Road

As a runner, it infuriates me when motorists selfishly hog the road. It's as though I do not even exist, or that my safety does not matter. Therefore, I have compiled a list of things I wish that I could share with drivers as they pass me by on my morning run.

  • Yes, that's me- in the bright neon yellow tank top. It is not just a fashion statement. I am wearing it for my safety. So YOU CAN SEE ME. Please do not race up within inches of me while driving 50 mph {The speed limit is 40 mph. Just FYI. Wouldn't want you to get pulled over by that cop car I saw on mile 3 now would we?}

  • I know that I do not have the typical physique of a marathon runner-yet- but at least I am doing something about it. Please do not gawk and stare and point at me while you chow down on your donut and sip your venti Starbucks coffee. A friendly wave will suffice. 

  • Don't throw your trash on the side of the road. I really do not want to step in your leftover, half eaten burger from McDonald's or side step that broken beer bottle while I run. It's disgusting. Not to mention it smells awful...

  • Yes, I may be walking alongside of a well traveled road right now, but I just finished running-10 miles in fact. It's called a cool down. You don't need to stare at me as you pass or honk your horn in frustration. It's kind of rude, actually. 

  • I spend money to purchase devices that will make it easier for you, the motorist, to see me while I run. Please get off of your cell phone and pay attention to what you are doing. I do not want to end up in a morgue because you were scanning Facebook and Twitter while you drive. 

Okay, rant over. Just had to get that off my chest. {deep breath} I feel better already.

Are you a runner or a cyclist? What other advice would you give to motorists in order to keep us safe and share the road? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

100 Blog Followers Giveaway WINNER

And the winner is...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congratulations Diana! Check your email for more information.

Southern Mama's Blog Hop #6


We are thrilled to have you!
The purpose of this blog hop is to connect with other Mamas
(Pet Mamas are welcome too!)
who have, ever secretly desired to, or are currently living on Southern soil.
Not from the South, you say? No problem! We’d still love for you to join us.
We’ll gladly adopt you and make you an honorary Southern Belle!
So go grab yourself a glass of sweet tea and let’s party!!

The Rules:

1.      Kindly follow each of the hostesses via GFC
as a way of saying
Thank You
for the opportunity to connect with other like-minded bloggers.
Please leave a comment to let them know that you are following along so that we can return the favor J



Kimberly @ Sew Encouraging


Anissa @ Chasing Hailey
Co-Host of the Week

2.      Grab a button and spread the word.
3.      Mix and mingle with other bloggers.
4.      Leave a comment and show them some love!
Be sure that your email address is connected to your blogger profile.
This makes it much easier for those who wish to reply to your comments J
5.      Have fun!

All Things New

Interested in being the Co-Host of the Week? Email Megan at:
megan {dot} card {at} gmail {dot} com

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Living in the In-Between: God Wants Your Obedience


Next to waiting, it's a command that does not sit well with many believers-or human beings in general for that matter. But if we are going to learn how to contently wait for the Lord, it is necessary for us to begin with this most difficult of tasks.

The early church is not only a great model of how we should operate as the Bride of Christ, they equally demonstrate the importance of waiting obediently on that which the Lord has promised. We can glean much from their example in Luke 24 and Acts 1.

Allow me to set the scene for you, for these men and women are no different than you and I.

Jesus, their fearless leader, has just been crucified and laid to rest in a tomb. Their dreams of political and religious freedom from the Romans have been obliterated. And because they devoted their lives to following this man, they are wanted by both the Roman and Jewish officials and therefore are on the run-their lives in jeopardy of facing the same fate as their Lord. They are crowded together in a small room, behind locked doors, straining their ears to hear the slightest footsteps of the soldiers who are searching diligently for them. They are afraid. More than afraid. They are utterly terrified.

They have heard whispers. Rumors.

Could it be true? Could Jesus really be alive?

Uncertainty and doubt cloud their thoughts.

And they wait.

And suddenly, un-expectantly, He is standing there in their midst.


Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and He said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day, and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. And behold, I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high."  Luke 24: 45-49 [emphasis mine]

Gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised...    Acts 1:4 [emphasis mine] 

You can imagine the range of emotions that were experienced at that very moment by those huddled together in that crowded room. Fear. Shock. Awe. Excitement. Joy. Confusion. Doubt. Disbelief. And one of the first things Jesus says to them after reassuring them that it is He, Christ Jesus, the Son of God- is to stay put. He asks them to wait. Essentially, He is testing their obedience.


Out of all of the things Jesus could have spoken to them, He has asked His followers to wait on that which the Father had promised- the coming of the Holy Spirit. For God's will to be established, it was imperative that the disciples were obedient to Jesus' commands. They were to begin first in Jerusalem, and then go forth into the surrounding areas of Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). But first, they needed to wait patiently where they were so that they could be equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Could you imagine the disaster that would have taken place had the disciples disregarded Jesus' instructions and attempted to bring about God's will in their own strength?  It would have been awful. And yet... that is exactly what you and I tend to do during seasons of waiting. We disregard Jesus' instructions, go rogue, and struggle to do God's will all on our own. We become Mavericks of the faith- something God never intended for us to do. If we would patiently wait on His timing, He will equip us with His Power to complete that which He has called us to.

But we have to wait. We have to remain obedient.

Were the disciples afraid, confused, full of doubt and uncertainty? Most definitely. But they were obedient.

You and I face these same challenges today as the Lord calls us to join Him where He is, but we can see from Scripture that if we remain faithful, and obediently listen to what Jesus is asking of us, that He will prepare you for what is to come.

As you go about your week, I want to ask if you will do something for me, will you sit and ponder these words spoken by Charles Stanley?

"Our willingness to wait reveals the value we place on the object we are waiting for."

Next week, we will continue to explore life in the in-between, as we look to Scripture to discover the secret to being content while we wait. Thank you for joining me on this journey, friends!

A Community of Mothers

Monday, September 24, 2012


Forgive me.

I have failed you.

I promised you the next post in our new blog series, Living in the In-Between: Learning to be Content While You Wait, and I don't have it. At least, not today...

From the moment my eyes opened this morning, I have been distracted. For starters, today is my husband's birthday. So naturally, my heart desires to spoil him in as many ways that I can, in hopes that he will catch a tiny glimpse of how much our family loves and adores him. Second, our oldest son is not feeling well. We had a brief scare that he may have contracted chicken pox, but that was quickly laid to rest once we were able to get him in to see the doctor this morning. Fortunately, it is only a mild sinus infection, accompanied by a funky rash that disappeared almost as quickly as it appeared on his legs. Lastly, I have writer's block- which is strange because I practically had this post all laid out in my head over the weekend and just hadn't had a spare moment to write it all down. And now that both boys are sound asleep and the house is quite, I've got nothing.


Honestly, I know what the problem is and the reason it seems that despite my best efforts, I cannot form a single cohesive thought as I stare at a blank computer screen and lightly drum my fingers across the keyboard- hoping that the Lord will breathe life into my words.

I did not take the time to sit at His feet this morning.

I'm embarrassed to even type that sentence. But it's true. I have been so distracted today that I did not make any effort to spend time with the most important being in my life- Jesus.

So now that I have confessed to you, I am going to get off the computer and go spend some quite moments with the Lord before the boys get up from their nap. Not to get writing material from my time with Him. But, because I need Him. I need to be filled with His Spirit. I need to sit quietly in His Presence. Because I love Him and adore Him and want to spend time with Him.

Again, forgive me for over promising and under delivering. I hate when I do that. I feel like such a failure. I should have the post written and published tomorrow at the latest. Thank you for understanding!

Welcome, Shabby Apple!

I wanted to take a moment to welcome Shabby Apple, my newest affiliate at {All Things New}! Shabby Apple is an online dress boutique that specializes in designing highly fashionably apparel to fit an array of body types. I adore Shabby Apple and could literally spend my husband's entire paycheck shopping their boutique! Here is a sampling of my favorite Shabby Apple dresses:

No matter your style, body type, or budget, Shabby Apple has something for you. Expecting a child and worried that you cannot find stylish maternity wear? Shabby Apple has a fabulous maternity line! And you know what Moms? Shabby Apple offers a line especially designed for your daughter as well!

Shopping their online boutique is easy and if you are anything like me, you are already in search for that perfect dress to wear to all of those holiday parties that will be here before you know it! All you need to do is click on the Shabby Apple button located in the upper right hand corner on the sidebar. It will take you directly to their site. Happy Shopping!!

*All images are property of Shabby Apple

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The {faith} filled life: Week #11

The purpose of this link up is to put the abundant goodness of God on display for all nations to see!

 It can come in any shape or form. 

Write a blog post and share with us how God is currently working in your life! It can be a passage of Scripture that God has used to speak to you. A devotional. A song that particularly ministered to you. A poem that you wrote or were inspired by. A photograph that you took. A personal testimony of God's grace. A call to action. A challenge.

It can be anything. 

Use your creativity, for it is a magnificent gift given to us by the Creator Himself! 

All posts will be vetted and I reserve the right to delete any link that does not support the purpose mentioned above. 

If you are on Twitter or Instagram, use the hash tag #faithfilledlife to follow along with others!  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Cha Cha Cha Changes...

"Every day, somewhere, a writer is born.
She comes into the world with a destiny: to share her words and proclaim a message. To make a difference.
These words have the power to move and motivate strangers, to shake the earth and rattle the heavens. If only she would share them."
-Jeff Goins, author of "You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One)

I woke up this morning not expecting my entire world to change {or at least my perception of it}. It was just another day. I woke up, Megan Card, wife, mother, follower of Christ, runner, blogger {sort of. I guess?}. Little did I know, that hours later, I would come face to face with my destiny. 


God, You can't be serious?

Me? A writer?

Who on earth would ever listen to what I had to say. I'm a nobody, remember? 

This was exactly how the conversation went roughly 4 years ago when the Lord first began to speak to my heart on this subject. I laughed at Him. No, really. I did. I completely had a Sarah moment- you know, when she laughed out loud after overhearing the Lord tell her husband, Abram, that she would bear him a son.

I didn't believe Him.

After all, no one had ever spoken encouragement into my life regarding my writing ability. Though I received good grades in English, not one of my teachers expressed any potential in me. Ever. And it's not like I dreamed of becoming a writer when I was a child. No, I wanted to be a Princess. Or a veterinarian. That is, until I learned that some people brought pet snakes to the vet, and then that dream quickly deflated. No snakes for me. I had a brief stint when I wanted to be a doctor. But I hate math- so that was no good either. After years and years of failed dreams, I settled for "I don't have one." Liar... I just didn't believe I was ever good enough to have one, or even see it come to fruition for that matter.

So the Lord left me alone for a few more years.

And then it happened. Again...

I was sitting in the middle of a Women's Ministry Conference, in the fall of 2010, hosted by LifeWay. I was currently working on staff for our church in the Student Ministry, and loving it. The director of Women's Ministry invited me to join her for this conference and of course, I wasn't about to turn down an opportunity to hear from Beth Moore and several of my favorite authors. As I sat in my seat, after an incredible time of worship, preparing to hear from Beth, the Lord spoke. I'm not going to go into detail on what He said, because I'm still wrestling with the reality of it myself. That, and if I told you, you would probably think I was extremely presumptuous. Regardless, He spoke to me again concerning this very subject. And once again, my heart wasn't ready to believe it. At least, not fully.

A year later, I began this blog.

At first, I was just trying to find my niche. Every blogger goes through this phase, I'm sure. And I almost quit. I felt like a fraud. Like I wasn't being true to myself. That I was merely mirroring what every other blogger said to do in order to be a success. But it never felt like, you know, me. I was writing to please an audience, only I had no idea who that audience was and what they wanted to hear. All I knew, was that no one seemed to be listening.

I finally began to just write whatever the Lord put on my heart to share. And you know what, I started to see a genuine response. Little did I know, but my words actually started to resonate with people. When I stopped writing with an audience in mind and just wrote what was on my heart, people started to engage. I never in a million years would I have thought that there would be complete strangers who were eagerly anticipating what I had to say. I'm just a nobody, remember? 

And once again, the Lord spoke to me. Only this time, I was ready to be obedient to His leading.

So what does this change look like from here on out? Well, for the next couple of months, not much. Business as usual.

However, there are things taking place behind the scenes so to speak, that I am really excited about! I wanted to let my readers know well in advance, that a change is coming and to be ready for it. That way, when the time comes, the transition will be much smoother. At least, I hope it will be :)

Thank you for allowing me into your day. Your time is a gift that I treasure and I do not take it lightly. The fact that you even stop by my blog is amazing, given that there are thousands of them out there. I pray that as I walk in obedience and take steps of faith in a new direction, that you will continue to join me. We are entering exciting times and I am looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us!

A Community of Mothers

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mommy- Brain Mixer Week 9

Welcome to week 9 of the Mommy-Brain Mixer, ladies!

Last week we had a fabulous 102 link-ups! The Mixer is thriving!

If you haven't noticed, one of my favorite things to do here at Two In Diapers is to share stories about motherhood and my littles. One of my favorite things about sharing these stories is your comments with stories of your own children!

Welcome to...

At the Mommy-Brain Mixer, we will be linking up our writings about anything and everything motherhood!

We want to see funny posts, serious posts, sweet & sappy stories, mommy-brain episodes, memories from when your older children were younger, thoughts & lessons learned, and anything related to motherhood or little people. You know that post you wrote yesterday about your teething baby? Or that hilarious post you wrote about your 2nd grader's school play? Those are perfect, so link 'em up! 

The Mommy-Brain Mixer is the perfect place to find some great new blogs to follow, make some wonderful new blog friends, and enjoy some entertaining new reads!

To make things even more fun, my friend Mar, over at Raising Bean, is hosting a sister link-up for you to join, too!

Head on over there after your finished here and link up your recipes, DIY, arts & crafts, and sensory activities!  

Let's get to it, friends!
1.Follow Two In Diapers
{the first link below}
If you are new to the Mixer, please leave me a comment so I know to follow you back! I try to get around to all the posts but, as the Mixer is growing, there are some weeks that I'm not able!

2. Follow your co-hosts
This week's lovely co-hosts {the first 3 on the linky} are:

Megan from All Things New

3. Link up your mommy post!

4. Make sure to visit some of the blogs in the link-up and maybe even follow them!
{and comments are always loved} 

5. Tweet about the Mommy-Brain Mixer to help spread the word! 


6. Grab this adorable button and place it somewhere on your blog!


7. Don't forget to check back throughout the week, as we gain many new links throughout the week!

If you are interested in co-hosting a Mommy-Brain Mixer, send me an email at!

Like my blog? Don't forget to vote for us! One click on the banner below = one vote for our blog, and you can even vote daily to keep us at the top!
Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

Southern Mama's Blog Hop #5


We are thrilled to have you!

The purpose of this blog hop is to connect with other Mamas
(Pet Mamas are welcome too!)
who have, ever secretly desired to, or are currently living on Southern soil.
Not from the South, you say? No problem! We’d still love for you to join us.
We’ll gladly adopt you and make you an honorary Southern Belle!
So go grab yourself a glass of sweet tea and let’s party!!

The Rules:

1.      Kindly follow each of the hostesses via GFC
as a way of saying
Thank You
for the opportunity to connect with other bloggers.
Please leave a comment to let them know that you are following along so that we can return the favor J





Co-Host of the Week

2.      Grab a button and spread the word. 
We had our greatest turnout last week! Help us continue to grow!
3.      Mix and mingle with other bloggers.
4.      Leave a comment and show them some love!
Be sure that your email address is connected to your blogger profile.
This makes it much easier for those who wish to reply to your comments J
5.      Have fun!

If you are interested in being the Co-Host of the Week, contact Megan at

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Living in the In-Between: Learning to be Content While You Wait

Friends, you have been on my mind lately, and on my heart. As I have sat before the Lord over the last few days, your faces and circumstances have played before my mind's eye. And I began to notice a common thread woven delicately between each story...

So many of you are living in the in-between.


For some of you, you are living out your days in a season of singleness. Anxiously awaiting for the Lord to fulfill His promises to you- the promise of marriage- of a family. You watch as friend after friend change their status on Facebook from "single" to "in a relationship," and while you rejoice in their happiness, you quietly question God's timing in your life.

"Why am I still waiting, Lord?" you plead. "How much longer until you fulfill Your promises to me?"

Others of you spend your days searching endlessly for a job. Desperation is beginning to set in. You wonder where God- Jehovah Jireh- Our Provider is in the midst of your struggle. You keep your phone close at hand as you wait for the call that will change your circumstances. And while you wait you silently cry out to the Lord, "How much longer?"

Perhaps you are the one who sends your devoted husband to the store month after month to pick up a fresh box of pregnancy tests, only to deposit them into the trash moments later when the tiny stick reads, Not Pregnant. You have been waiting for years to add on to your family, and while your doctor assures you that you are not infertile, your womb remains as barren as ever.

Or maybe you are waiting for a specific phone call from the doctor. One that will determine your course of action as the illness sets into your body. You know your days are numbered, and you wait expectantly to see how much time remains.

She has been legally declared your daughter. Yet due to international adoption policies and political red tape, she continues to sit and wait for you to come and bring her home. Thousands and thousands of miles separate you. More than anything you long to hold her in your arms. You are growing weary of the Lord whispering to your restless soul, "Not yet, Dear One. Not yet."

"Why is this taking so long, Lord?"

You have been in a state of transition throughout your entire marriage. Never have you found a place of your own to call "home." You are beginning to question this nomadic lifestyle God has currently called you to- desiring nothing more than a place for you and your family to settle down. Somewhere you belong. Somewhere you feel connected. Somewhere you feel loved.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you Patricia Robertson from The TT Diaries for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award! That was so sweet of you! I am honored that you thought of me :)

1. Nominate up to 15 fellow bloggers.
2. Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post.

The Nominees:

Rachel from Held By His Hand
Lauren from Talk of the Trains
Sarah from Notice the Dirt
Sonja from Running in Pearls
Cassie from Two in Diapers
Kimberly from Sew Encouraging
Wendy from Saved Sister
Amy from 1001 Tears

Some of these blogs I have been following for quite some time now- while others are recent finds. Regardless, I love each and every one of these bloggers and have enjoyed getting to know them :) Please stop by and say hello! Tell them Megan from {All Things New} sent you!

7 Random Facts about Me:

1. I was born during one of the worst ice storms in (recent) Dallas history.
2. I am allergic to sea food.
3. I am addicted to chocolate and coffee. Combine the two and you are my new best friend :)
4. I am training for my first half marathon.
5. I was a cheerleader in middle school and high school.
6. Lillies are my favorite flower
7. I have been a Dallas Cowboys fan since birth. No lie. 

The fact that I am blogging on a Sunday suggests that 1) it is raining 2) our local news affiliates are not showing the Cowboy game 3) my boys are napping. Hope you enjoyed it! Hope the remainder of your weekend is a good one! 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Our {adoption} Journey: Thus Far

Growing up, Greg and I had always had a longing to adopt- we just never discussed the matter much once we were married- until recently. Little did we know, but God was stirring up a deep passion within both of us, to bring more children into our home by means of adoption. In 2010 God began to open our eyes through His Word,  to His great love for orphans, and the role and responsibility His bride {the Church} has in caring for them. It was then, that God called our family to adopt.

Throughout the past two years, the Lord has not been idle in preparing us to bring another child into our family. There is much more to the adoption process than merely filling out mounds of paperwork, participating in home studies, taking online adoption courses, writing check after check after check, traveling etc. He sought to purge us of selfish desires. He sought to bring us to our knees so that our story was not simply about our longing for a daughter, but that this was about being the Gospel in action- that our story was quite literally, our faith on display for all to see. He has humbled us in ways that will require our family to point to heaven and say, "This adoption, was made possible by Christ, and Christ alone!"

Currently, we are in the process of finding an agency to work with. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has called us to bring home a little girl from Ethiopia, so our days are consumed with online searches for Christian international adoption agencies. We've narrowed down the search and we're seeking God's guidance as far as which one to go with. We have also just started our adoption savings account- because people don't take you seriously until you start budgeting for these kinds of things.

Meanwhile, we are stepping out in faith in several areas of our lives {particularly in the area of our finances} and we're asking God to provide our family with the means to complete the adoption application, home study fee, and agency fees. We eagerly anticipate His divine intervention as we wait. The waiting period is hard, but He has taught us a great deal about Himself thus far, and we know to expect more periods of waiting once our journey has "officially" begun.

Keep checking back with us, as I will post more updates as they happen. Updates from this moment forward can be found here.

Linking up with:

A Community of Mothers

Friday, September 14, 2012

Someone in Africa Holds The Keys To My Heart

While Greg was at work and the boys were napping, I channeled my creative side.

This was the end result: 

I cannot wait to print it off and frame it!

Feel free to pin it on Pinterest as a free printable. 
My gift to anyone adopting from Ethiopia.
Just be sure to credit the source :)

Linking up with:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The {faith} filled life: Week #10

The purpose of this link up is to put the abundant goodness of God on display for all nations to see!

 It can come in any shape or form. 

Scripture. A devotional. A song that particularly ministered to you. A poem that you wrote or were inspired by. A photograph that you took. A personal testimony of God's grace. A call to action. A challenge.

It can be anything. 

Use your creativity, for it is a magnificent gift given to us by the Creator Himself! 

All posts will be vetted and I reserve the right to delete any link that does not support the purpose mentioned above. 

If you are on Twitter or Instagram, use the hash tag #faithfilledlife to follow along with others!  

***Link up using a URL to a {post} that you have written displaying
God's goodness- not just the URL to your blog. Thank you!***

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

El Roi- The God Who Sees

Friends, there is so much on my heart that I wish to share with you! However, while I have been sitting in the Lord's Presence this week, He continually whispers, "Not yet, Dear One. Not yet." So, because  He has asked me to wait {that word keeps cropping up a LOT here lately} I am relying on Him to grant me an added portion of restraint, because for me, waiting is exceedingly difficult. 

That being said, I sense in my spirit that there is a message that the Lord wishes for me to share with you today. That someone, somewhere, needs to hear these words. 

"I see you, My child.

 I have not forgotten you. 
I know that your present circumstances would suggest otherwise, but that could not be further from the truth. Do not allow the enemy a stronghold.

I AM near. 

I see your hurt.
 I see your pain. 

I have captured every tear that you have ever cried, and I hold them in My hands. 
Do not despair, for I AM with you- always. Hold fast to that promise. 

I will never leave you. 
I will never forsake you. 

You are Mine. 

I chose you as My own before I laid the foundations of the earth. I knew you, intimately, while you were yet in your mother's womb. 

I know your heart, dear one, and it is good. 

Cry out to Me and I will hear you, for I AM never far away.

I AM El Roi- the God Who Continually Sees.

I see you. 
Right where you are. 
Do not lose heart."

Lord Jesus,
I pray that Your words would be received by the one whom this message was intended for. But that it will also serve as a reminder to the rest of us that You Are Near- that You indeed See us right where we are.