Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Battle for Intimacy

It's yet another Monday morning. You accidentally  overslept. You have a grand total of 10 minutes to get your  family dressed, fed, and out the door or your husband will be late for work. You stumble into the kitchen to pour yourself a cup of coffee, meanwhile- your dear hubby is calling your name from the other room- he cannot seem to find his work shoes. You remind him that he packed them in his suitcase for the weekend trip to see the family. While you are digging through a pile of dirty laundry {that you are oh so not looking forward to washing later that day} for your husband's shoes, you hear screaming coming from the other room. You run into the kitchen to find your youngest child covered in milk and cereal with your oldest standing over him laughing hysterically. Never mind brushing your own teeth or changing out of your pjs, you now have only 3 minutes left to change the kids' clothes, get their socks and shoes on, and teeth brushed. You grab your ball cap off the dresser and shove it on your head- glancing at your reflection in the mirror, you shudder, wondering how on earth you went from hottie to... well... lets not go there.

You dash out of the room, purse and car keys in tow, when you spot it.

Your Bible.

Just laying on the end table next to your favorite spot on the couch. It's been days since you last sat in that spot and marinated in God's Word. You gaze longingly at it. You recall a time when you used to get up hours before the rest of the family just to sit at the Lord's feet. Now... between t-ball practice, committee meetings, birthday parties, play dates, field trips, t-ball games, family outings, grocery shopping, running errands, working out, spending quality time with the boys, spending quality time with your husband, cleaning house, folding laundry, and the like... you barely have enough energy at the end of the day to squeeze in a 10 minute devotional before bed, and let's face it, you've never been much of a morning person.

You suppress the longing for time with the Lord, grab your coffee to-go cup, and shut the door.

Just another Monday.

Only it's not just Monday. It's Tuesday. And Wednesday. And Thursday. Friday. Saturday. And before you know it- Sunday is upon you.

And so the cycle continues.

We live in such a fast pace, overly committed society. Our children are expected to be in every extra curricular activity under the sun, or risk not being considered "well rounded" enough on their college applications. Our churches expect us to be involved in not only teaching a Sunday School class, but leading Bible studies throughout the week, on at least 2-3 committees, and heading up the upcoming church wide pot luck. Our employers no longer consider a 40 hour work week acceptable. Try an average of 60-70 hours. Not to mention that our doctors recommend us getting at least an hour of exercise in every single day. Oh yeah, and you are supposed to squeeze in a social life somewhere in the midst of all of this as well.

Don't get me wrong. These are all "good" things. But I'm beginning to wonder if these "good" things are really all that good for us in the first place?

Here is what I think: there is a battle raging. And I'm afraid that we are so busy living out our lives that we miss it.

There is a battle for intimacy.

Your husband craves it.
Your children crave it.
Your friends crave it.
You crave it.

Let's face it. We were created for community. We were meant to be in relationships. Even the most introverted person out there is designed to walk this journey we call life surrounded by others. We cannot survive without it.

And yet, that is exactly what our enemy is out to destroy.

He is raging war on our intimacy with our Creator. 

Only, if we do not recognize that we are at war, we cannot fight to keep that intimacy in tack. We will simply live out the remainder of our days in this rat race we call "life," over committed and burnt out. We are so busy that we don't even realize how utterly busy we really are.

This is what Satan wants. He wants us to remain ignorant of this battle, because when we neglect our relationship with Christ, all other relationships suffer. Our marriage suffers. Our children suffer. Our friendships suffer. Our co-workers suffer.

I have found in my own experience, that it is only when I am in right standing with Christ, that all other relationships in my life are healthy, vibrant, and full of love. We were created first and foremost to glorify God and enjoy His Presence forever. When that is no longer our top priority- when we no longer fight for intimacy with our Creator- everything else is out of balance until our relationship with Christ is restored.

So fight! 
Fight for what you hold dear. 
Do not allow the enemy to distract you from that which you were created- to enjoy an intimate relationship with your Creator. 

Carve out some time in your day for Jesus.
Quiet your restless heart and simply listen.
He desires to commune with YOU!
I know it's difficult.
Wars are always difficult.
But you'll be grateful you did it.
I know I am.

1 Chronicles 16:24
Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples.

Psalm 86:9
All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, And they shall glorify Your name.

Psalm 86:12
I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And will glorify Your name forever.


  1. Love this and you are so right. In fact, my prayer journal hasn't been touched in days. I think I have a lunch date with Jesus now.

    1. I write these primarily to myself and allow y'all to join me. I have been so convicted of this as of late. He has had SO much that He has wanted to tell me, so much that He has wanted to change in me, and I have been far too busy to realize that I haven't been spending any time with Him at all. Before I know it, days turn into weeks. Weeks turn into months. And if we're not careful, months turn into years. I praise God that He caught my attention before it snow-balled into that.


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