Friday, August 31, 2012

Lisa Chan- True Beauty Films Review and Giveaway

Are You Chasing After the One Thing That Matters Most?

 We are all chasing after something.
Every single one of us.
It could be a number of things...


The question is, are we chasing after The One thing that matters most?

 Are we chasing after Jesus? Are we allowing ourselves time to sit at His feet? In the quiet hours before dawn? Hushed. Subdued. Submissive. Free from all distraction. In intimate stillness? Or are we passing Him by? Has Jesus merely become yet another item to check off on our unending "To Do" list? These are the questions Lisa Chan addresses in the first film of her True Beauty series, entitled, 'Be Still.' 

"There's plenty of people that would say, 'If Jesus literally walked through my door, I would know to sit there and listen to Him.' But we have access to the same Jesus, every day, and why don't we choose to sit at His feet?"
 -Lisa Chan

 Friends, I am convinced that the secret to knowing God... to hearing His voice, to seeing Him move in power. The secret to knowing what is on His heart- what is on His mind- what He is most passionate about- is being still. And Lisa illustrates this concept beautifully and confidently in her film.
 I was challenged, convicted, encouraged, and inspired by Lisa's teaching and it is my prayer that you will be too. So much so, that I am offering to you-my readers- a copy of Lisa's film because I believe that it needs to be placed in the hands of every woman who desires more of Jesus. 

If you would like to purchase a copy of 'Be Still' to give to a friend or family member, or even to use as a small group study at your church, be sure to visit

Press Release

Be Still
New film helps women who are caught up in the busyness of life

Grand Rapids, Mich., June 25, 2012—Every woman knows the feeling. Regardless of her age, her income, or her family situation, women today are facing the challenges of a busy life and the stress that comes with it. Obligations to children, husband, job, church, friends, committees, and the pressures of everyday life have created a spiritual crisis for women. Because in their efforts to be everything to everyone, women have forgotten the ONE who really should be their everything.

Lisa Chan believes that in our quest to do it all, women are missing God. In the first film of her new series, True Beauty: Finding Your Identity in Jesus (David C Cook/Flannel, September 2012), Chan focuses on what it means to Be Still.  Be Still addresses the issues that confront women when they forget to spend time with Jesus—something that, like most women, Chan struggled with herself.

As a mother of five children, co-founder of Cornerstone Community Church in Simi Valley, California, and wife of best-selling author and pastor Francis Chan, Lisa knows firsthand what it means to be overwhelmed, overcommitted, and out of time.  It was an unplanned, extended time alone with God that fueled her desire to encourage every woman to see the beauty of coming before the Lord in stillness. She has seen firsthand that women in the church are suffering from depression, anxiety, and stress at alarming rates—and recognizes that women need to make the choice to find hope and healing and truth from God's presence and through His Word.

Be Still, which weaves Lisa’s teaching with the story of Susan, an amazing woman who found that being still with God was what she needed in order to overcome her struggle with a broken marriage, is intended to challenge women who are struggling and help them to find power and strength in just being quiet and listening. With this film, Chan comes alongside women in their walk with the Lord to give them the tools they need to be the person God intends them to be. True Beauty: Be Still is foundational and can be life-changing as women are convicted to take stock of their own reasons for not spending time with Jesus.

Be Still is a personal glimpse into Lisa’s own life, one that any woman will be able to relate to. It is the fact that she is coming from such an identifiable place, provides practical advice, and shares her own challenges with being still that makes this film such a valuable means of communicating to all women.

Lisa Chan is a mother of five and co-founder (with her husband, Francis) of Cornerstone Community Church in Simi Valley, California. An accomplished singer, Lisa has recorded three albums, including Endless Beauty. Lisa lives with her family in San Francisco where they are doing inner-city ministry as a family.
Founded in 1875, David C Cook is a leading nonprofit discipleship resource provider based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. For more than 130 years, David C Cook has served the Global Church with life transforming materials from best-selling books and curriculum, to toys and games and small group resources. With additional offices in Elgin, Illinois, as well as Paris, Ontario, Canada and Eastbourne, UK, David C Cook is a global organization whose resources are published in more than 150 languages, distributed in more than 80 countries, and sold worldwide through retail stores, catalogs, and online. Through David C Cook’s music division, Kingsway, over 30% of the top 500 praise and worship songs written by Kingsway artists are sung in churches around the world. For more information visit David C Cook on the Internet at

Flannel is a non-profit ministry that serves as a catalyst for highly creative people to communicate the way of Jesus to the world. Flannel’s primary products are short, creative films designed to start discussions on relevant issues and to deeply resonate on what matters most today. Headquartered in Western Michigan, Flannel’s products are currently sold in over 45 countries.

Be Still
Film One in the True Beauty film series
Lisa Chan
Approx. 20 minutes
Release: September 2012              616-309-4390        

A Community of Mothers

Can You Keep A Secret?!

Word on the street is...

There's a GIVEAWAY starting tomorrow!!!

Be sure to check back in with {All Things New} because this is one giveaway that you won't want to miss!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The {faith} filled life: Week #8

The purpose of this link up is to put the abundant goodness of God on display for all nations to see!

 It can come in any shape or form. 

Scripture. A devotional. A song that particularly ministered to you. A poem that you wrote or were inspired by. A photograph that you took. A personal testimony of God's grace. A call to action. A challenge.

It can be anything. 

Use your creativity, for it is a magnificent gift given to us by the Creator Himself! 

This is not a blog hop, so I am not requiring you to follow me or any others who participate. This is strictly an opportunity for fellow believers to engage with one another, to support each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, and to share with each other how Great our God truly is! 
I only ask that you take some time to visit with a few of those who have linked up and offer a word of encouragement :)

All posts will be vetted and I reserve the right to delete any link that does not support the purpose mentioned above. 

If you are on Twitter or Instagram, use the hash tag #faithfilledlife to follow along with others!  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Blogger Beware: Watermark Your Photos!

I'm incredibly thankful for friends who have my back and who genuinely have my family's best interest at heart. My sweet college friend, and fellow blogger, April sent me this today. It's every bloggers parent's worst nightmare. It's a scary world we live in. I cannot believe that there are companies/individuals out there who do not bat an eye when it comes to copyrights and lifting images off of the internet- especially when it comes to children. It's disgusting really.

As a new blogger {yes, my Blogger profile says that I have been doing this for 4 years, but that's a lie. I've had a Blogger profile for about 4 years but that's it. lol I've really only started seriously blogging when I created this blog at the end of last year.} I have much to learn. 
Especially when it comes to protecting my boys. 

I've seen other blogs with watermarks on their images and thought that it was a smart move on their part. That way, when others re-pin their images on Pinterest or use the image in their blog posts, the source will be credited. However, I did not realize until today how important the placement of the watermark is on your image, because apparently, there are people out there who will crop out your watermark and will use your image without permission. 

No image on the internet is safe. 

So, from now on, my images will look something more like this:

It's the least I can do to make it harder for others to steal my photos for their personal gain- and to protect my sweet boys from being exploited. I hate that I have to now put words over their precious faces, but if that is what it takes to keep them safe on the internet... I'll do it.

Yes, it's a pain in the butt.

And now I will be spending hours going over each old photo on my blog and re-position the watermark.
But it's worth it.

So, the moral of this story is- if you are a blogger- it's imperative that you watermark your photos.

A Community of Mothers

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Southern Mamas Blog Hop #2

Welcome Back

We are thrilled to have you!
The purpose of this blog hop is to connect with other Mamas
(Pet Mamas are welcome too!)
who have, ever secretly desired to, or are currently living on Southern soil.
Not from the South, you say? No problem! We’d still love for you to join us.
We’ll gladly adopt you and make you an honorary Southern Belle!
So go grab yourself a glass of sweet tea and let’s party!!

The Rules:

1. Kindly follow each of the hostesses via GFC as a way of saying Thank You 
for the opportunity to connect with other like-minded bloggers.
Please leave a comment to let them know that you are following along so that we can return the favor J





2.      Grab a button and spread the word!
3.      Mix and mingle with other bloggers. 
Leave a comment and let them know you found them via the Southern Mamas blog hop.
Be sure that your email address is connected to your blogger profile. 
This makes it much easier for those who wish to reply to your comments J
4.      Have some fun!

 If you are interested in being one the Co-Host of the week, email Megan at:
megan {dot} card {at} gmail {dot} com

All Things New

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Next Direct- Product Review

Oh. My. Goodness! 
Y'all... I had never heard of Next Kids Direct until about a week ago when they approached me to do a product review of their Fall children's clothing line. 
Can I just say... they are my new favorite place to shop for the boys!!

Their clothes are stylish, made with high quality fabric and it's affordable. 

Hayden is modeling the Multi Check Hooded Shirt

Rylan is modeling the Neutral Knitted Cardigan 

It is very difficult to find stylish clothing for boys {that are affordable}. 
I am incredibly thankful to have found Next Kids Direct and cannot wait to make more purchases in the future. They are by far my new favorite clothing line, because guess what- Moms, they have clothes for YOU too!! It is literally a one stop shop for your entire family.

Here is what they boys have to say about their new clothes:

Seriously... go check them out RIGHT NOW! 
I promise. You'll thank me later!

A Community of Mothers

Monday, August 27, 2012

The First of Many

Today is Hayden's first day of Kindergarten! 
So, I hope you will all indulge me as I write the obligatory 'First Day of School' post. 

I mean, really? 
Who can resist all of the cute little Kindergartners walking into school with their new backpacks, and their new lunch boxes, and their new school supplies. It's utterly adorable on all accounts!

Many have asked, "So... how are you holding up? You doing okay?"

I haven't quite figured out how I am feeling at the moment, honestly. 
I haven't cried yet... so that must be a good sign...right?! 

I know that Hayden will be fine. He is loyal and charismatic- so making friends will come easy for him. He is a natural leader- so that will put his teacher at ease. He is too much like his father in that he is incredibly charming- so his teacher will adore him {in fact, I'm certain she already does}. He is smart- so his school work should not overwhelm him. He is tall and athletic- so He won't be picked on or bullied. He is kind and compassionate and eager to learn. 
So truthfully, I can confidently say that I am not worried about him.

He has been prayed over and released into God's strong, capable hands.

I read the following devotional from Jesus Calling, written by Sarah Young, the other morning. 
It put everything into perspective for me and I would like to share it with you.

"ENTRUST YOUR LOVED ONES TO ME; release them into My protective care. They are much safer with Me than in your clinging hands. If you let a loved one become an idol in your heart, you endanger that one- as well as yourself. Remember the extreme measures I used with Abraham and Isaac. I took Isaac to the very point of death to free Abraham from son-worship. Both Abraham and Isaac suffered terribly because of the father's undisciplined emotions. I detest idolatry, even in the form of parental love.
When you release loved ones to Me, you are free to cling to My hand. As you entrust others into My care, I am free to shower blessings on them. My Presence will go with them wherever they go, and I will give them rest. This same Presence stays with you, as you relax and place your trust in Me. Watch to see what I will do."

This has been the key to my well-being. Releasing Hayden into God's loving hands. After all, who could better take care of my little one than the Creator Himself? It has been my prayer from the moment Hayden was born, that he would be instrumental in bringing God great glory. How possible would this be, if I were to cling tightly to him, when I was created to cling tightly to Jesus? 

This will be a first of many new school years. 
Many new opportunities and possibilities await this young one. 
His future is bright and we expect to see great things from him!

We love you, Hayden!
Mommy and Daddy are very proud of you!

Linking up with:


A Community of Mothers

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The {faith} filled life: Week #7

The purpose of this link up is to put the abundant goodness of God on display for all nations to see!

 It can come in any shape or form. 

Scripture. A devotional. A song that particularly ministered to you. A poem that you wrote or were inspired by. A photograph that you took. A personal testimony of God's grace. A call to action. A challenge.

It can be anything. 

Use your creativity, for it is a magnificent gift given to us by the Creator Himself! 

This is not a blog hop, so I am not requiring you to follow me or any others who participate. This is strictly an opportunity for fellow believers to engage with one another, to support each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, and to share with each other how Great our God truly is! 
I only ask that you take some time to visit with a few of those who have linked up and offer a word of encouragement :)

All posts will be vetted and I reserve the right to delete any link that does not support the purpose mentioned above. 

If you are on Twitter or Instagram, use the hash tag #faithfilledlife to follow along with others!   

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Southern Mama Blog Hop!

Welcome Y'all!
To the first ever Southern Mamas blog hop!
The purpose of this blog hop is to mix and mingle with mamas who have, secretly desired, or are currently living on Southern soil. So grab a glass of sweet tea and follow along!
P.S. Pet Mamas are welcome too!!

The Rules:

1. Please follow each of the hostesses via GFC





2. Visit at least 4 blogs and say hello!
3. Grab a button and spread the word
4. Have fun now, ya hear!
*** If you are interested in co-hosting, feel free to email me***
All Things New

*** UPDATE***

I have received several emails and questions via Twitter regarding who can participate so I wanted to offer some clarity :)

Megan, I do not live in the South {or even the United States for that matter!} can I still join you for the blog hop?

Of course you can! The more the merrier! We'd love nothing more than to adopt you and make you an honorary Southern Belle!

Megan, I don't have any kids at this time. Can I still join the blog hop?

Absolutely! After all,  our fur babies {pets} are still babies in our eyes.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Running for a Cause

It has been a while since I have last updated y'all on our half marathon training progress and seeing that the blog is steadily growing, I figured now would be a good time to do so.

For those of you who are new to our blog, my husband Greg and I are currently training to run our first half marathon in October with Team World Vision.  World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Through child sponsorship and the donations of generous givers, World Vision is able to come alongside of families and their communities in roughly 100 countries worldwide and provide them with things like: clean water, food, medical attention, education and disaster relief.

The participating runners on Team World Vision are committing themselves not only to running the 13.1 mile race, but to raising funds and awareness of the effects that clean water can have on a community- especially in Africa. This race has taken on a whole new meaning for my husband and I as the Lord has put it on our hearts to adopt from Ethiopia.

Each time I lace up my running shoes or grab a drink of water I think of our daughter. I contemplate what she is doing at that very moment. Wonder how she is being treated and cared for. Wonder if she has even been born? But I think of her. I think of her often. She is my driving force and my motivation to run strong. She is the reason I push through the aches and pain and blisters and fatigue. Even though we have never met, I am running for her and for her people.

I know that the economy is tough right now. We're feeling the effects of it too. But I want to ask you to prayerfully consider giving the gift of clean water to the people of Africa. They need it. Desperately need it. It is a matter of life and death for these people. It doesn't have to be much- even $5 will help their cause and every dollar matters. That's sacrificing one cup of Starbucks coffee. Just one. But if hundreds of people sacrificed one cup of coffee, that provides $500, $1,000, even $2,000 toward the clean water projects sponsored by World Vision. Imagine the hope that would bring.

If you would like to make a donation, please click here. It will take you directly to my fundraising page. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your support!

Link up with us for this week's

Monday, August 20, 2012

Dear Christian Broadcasting Network

Dear Christian Broadcasting Network,

      It is with a heavy and grievous heart that I am writing these words to you. I am both saddened and appalled with the statements made by Pat Robertson regarding international adoption on the 700 Club that aired Thursday August 16, 2012. In response to a letter your network received from a mother seeking advice on how to react to men not wanting to date her when they discover that she has 3 internationally adopted daughters, Robertson stated,

"A man doesn't want to take on the United Nations, and a woman has all these various children, blended family, what is it – you don't know what problems there are. I'm serious. I've got a dear friend, an adopted son, a little kid from an orphanage down in Columbia. Child had brain damage, grew up weird. And you just never know what's been done to a child before you get that child. What kind of sexual abuse has been, what kind of cruelty, what kind of food deprivation, etc. etc." the televangelist said.
Robertson continued: "You don't have to take on somebody else's problems. You really don't. You can help people – we administer to orphans all over the world, we love helping people. But that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm going to take all the orphans around the world into my home.
"Ok, let's take the next question – I'm in trouble," he concluded.

   The statement above reflects the heart of a man who has cheapened the gospel of Jesus Christ. From Genesis to Revelation, the doctrine of adoption is intricately woven throughout its pages. There is no gospel apart from the doctrine of adoption. As believers, we have been lovingly, graciously, and passionately adopted into the family of God.

Rick Morton, co-author of 'Orphanology,' and adoptive father, made the following remark in response to Rev. Robertson's statement and I wholeheartedly agree with him.

"These are not offhand slips of the lip. They reflect a heart and a Theology that cheapens the gospel. The gospel says that God reached down from Heaven in Christ to live and die for the sins of people who were broken, selfish, rebellious, sick, and deprave. Robertson’s consistent comments regarding orphans portrays a brand of Christianity that is concerned with comfort, ease, and selfish pride. In short, the Scriptures demand that we care for orphans in their distress, and Robertson’s gospel call on us to do it only if it is easy, convenient, and enriching to our own lives and egos. In fact, that is really no gospel at all."

Scripture teaches us to,

Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, 
and sound in faith, in love and in endurance. 
Titus 2:2

Rev. Robertson's comments do not reflect sound faith or doctrine. They are not temperate, full of love and compassion, or worthy of respect. Nor does he display self-control when he speaks on behalf of Christ. Because his words are viewed by millions and millions of people worldwide, I am asking that he be removed from your program. He is leading the people of God astray and it has to stop. I do not believe that his comments reflect the heart and the ministry of the Christian Broadcasting Network and this why he must no longer have a public role in your ministry. 

It is my hope that the outcry of believers worldwide over the statements made by Rev. Robertson concerning international adoption will not be over-looked, and that those responsible for moving forward after this incident will act Biblically and in a manner worthy of Christ Jesus, our Lord. 


Megan R. Card

Saturday, August 18, 2012

"You Don't Have to Take On Someone Else's Problems"

Really, Mr. Robertson? Really? Did this actually come out of your mouth? How dare you sit before a televised audience, claiming to be an ambassador of Christ, and speak these callous and cruel words. 

Friends, I am giving myself a few days to "cool-off" so to speak before I address this issue. 

This. Has. To. Stop.

This health, wealth, and prosperity gospel that is being proclaimed by popular "Christian" leaders has to stop.
It is from the pits of hell.
And I cannot sit on the sidelines and watch the people of God being lead astray.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Be Still, Oh My Soul

In our world of fast food, microwaved dinners, voice activated systems, text messages, social media, sykpe, face-time, and smart phones; it is no wonder we have lost the art of stillness. Tossed about by the waves of chaos and self gratification, we have been deceived by the enemy into believing the illusion that somehow, someway, more is better.

more activities.
more events.
more meetings.
more deadlines.
more Bible studies.
more church programs to attend.
more church committees to serve on.

more. more. more.

While these are all good- necessary even at times- in the lives of the believer; I fear that we (especially) women, are doing far too much. Far too much.

This only leads to a hurried life.
A rushed life.

A life so full of chaos that we miss the still small voice of God asking us to cease striving. Cease running after the things of this world that only offer temporary satisfaction at best. Cease chasing after the illusive American Dream. Cease climbing the corporate latter. Cease wasting your time and energy on things that offer up little to no eternal value.

I fear that He is crying out, "Enough is enough!" Only we are in such a hurry that we simply pass Him by.

When was the last time you sat at the Lord's feet?
Just the two of you?
Without distraction.
Without all of the noise.
In the stillness of early morning.
The quiet hours before dawn.

I confess to you that this has proven difficult for me and is something the Spirit has convicted me of as of late. I struggle with being still. I struggle with willingly sacrificing the extra hours of sleep to go and meet with Him. Please hear me, I still meet with the Lord, but it usually takes place after everyone in our household has started their day. Breakfast has been served. Greg is off to work. My daily to-do list staring me in the face. And so my time in the Lord's Presence is often hurried and full of distraction.

I know that He delights in meeting with me regardless of how and when I come, and He blesses the time that we spend together; but I wonder how much more He wishes to say to me, if only I had met with Him in the stillness? What am I missing out on because I have been unwilling to sacrifice my time?

Friends, I am convinced that the secret to knowing God. To hearing His voice. To seeing Him move in power... The secret to knowing what is on His mind- what is on His heart- what He is most passionate about- is being still.

Sitting at His feet in quiet surrender.

Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10

He is there, patiently waiting for us in the stillness.

Will you quiet your heart enough to meet with Him?

A Community of Mothers

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The {faith} filled life: Week #6

The purpose of this link up is to put the abundant goodness of God on display for all nations to see!

 It can come in any shape or form. 

Scripture. A devotional. A song that particularly ministered to you. A poem that you wrote or were inspired by. A photograph that you took. A personal testimony of God's grace. A call to action. A challenge.

It can be anything. 

Use your creativity, for it is a magnificent gift given to us by the Creator Himself! 

This is not a blog hop, so I am not requiring you to follow me or any others who participate. This is strictly an opportunity for fellow believers to engage with one another, to support each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, and to share with each other how Great our God truly is! 
I only ask that you take some time to visit with a few of those who have linked up and offer a word of encouragement :)

If you are on Twitter or Instagram, use the hash tag #faithfilledlife to follow along with others!             

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Spiritually speaking, this has been the longest week in recent memory. The enemy has been relentless. I sense that I am on the verge of breakthrough in several areas that I have been personally praying about for quite some time now, and the enemy does not like it. The attacks are coming swift and hard. And I am weak. I do not do this often, but I am calling upon anyone who is willing, to pray for me. 

The spiritual battle is beginning to manifest itself physically now, as I am beginning to experience flu like symptoms. I trust that God is Sovereign and I am confident that He will move in power when the time is right. I cannot speak specifics at this time but I do hope that you will pray nonetheless. 

Thank you, friends.
It means so much to me.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Southern Mamas Blog Hop- COMING SOON!

Hey Y'all!

I've been in contact with Sonja and Missi, two lovely ladies that I have met through Bloggy Moms, and we have decided to host a new blog hop for Southern Mamas. We are really excited to mix and mingle with  Moms who have, secretly desire, or are currently living on Southern soil! 

If any of you are interested in co-hosting this new blog hop, feel free to contact me at 
megan {dot} card {at} gmail {dot} com.
The first hop will take place sometime next week once we get a few more details together.
I hope you'll join us!


I've had a few emails asking me if pet Mamas can join in on the fun? Of course!! The more the merrier! So if you are the Mama to a little furry friend, feel free to link up with us on Wednesday. 
We are looking forward to connecting with all of you!

My Hiding Place

This is it. 
The location I run to when I am most desperate to meet with God.
{a location that is often shared with our golden retriever, Max}

This corner of our bedroom is often soaked in my tears.
It is the place where I dance before the Lord.
This is where I sing.
A place where I come to wrestle with God over something He has spoken.
This is where the Lord speaks most intimately with me.
I could sit in this tiny corner for hours at a time- if my role as Mommy and wife permits me to do so.
I often come here with my Bible, journal and pen in hand, anticipating a word from the Lord.
This- is my hiding place.

It didn't used to be.
My ideal place was my favorite spot on our couch.
A place where I could sit comfortably- at ease with my surroundings.
I would have leisurely access to my morning cup of coffee.
I could see into the boys bedroom from that spot, which made it less difficult on me for when I needed to stand in as referee.

But that's just it... I was comfortable.

I was easily distracted.
Unable to maintain focus.
I often found other pressing matters to attend to while sitting there.

I remember when I first ran to that tiny corner in our bedroom.
I was experiencing a particularly severe fibromyalgia flare up, only at that time, we had yet to discover the source of my pain. It was the beginning of the darkest season of my life. I hid in that space because I did not want my sons to see me at my worst. I was utterly broken. In shambles. I was desperate. 
It was from that corner that I cried out to God from the depths of my soul. 
And He heard my cry.

In the 21 years that I have known and walked with the Lord, He has blessed my time in this tiny little corner more than any of my other hiding places.
It's not a comfortable place to sit. In fact, sometimes I am utterly miserable.
And I cannot help but wonder at times if that is exactly what he desires- for me to be uncomfortable.
For it is when I am uncomfortable, that He seems to do His greatest work in me. 

What about you?
Do you have a special place that you run to when you desire to hear from God?
Will you share it with us?

A Community of Mothers