Friday, July 13, 2012

{faith} filled life: Faith Like a Child

"Mom- I dug a hole in the backyard!" shouted Hayden as he opened the back door. "I hope that's okay. I wanted God to have a place where He could grow flowers for you."

At first I was tempted to be angry with him. I thought to myself, "Why on earth would you tear up my flower bed like that? That's a really big hole and now I'm going to have to go out there and fill it in." Luckily the Holy Spirit interrupted my thoughts before I could speak them out loud to my son, because my words would have inevitably crushed his spirit. Instead, He gently whispered these words: "Hayden has more faith in Me than you do."  

That one hurt.

But He was right. Of course He was right. Because Hayden's words alone showed that he fully and confidently believed that God would create beautiful flowers out of nothing, just for me to enjoy. And he actively lived out his faith by digging the hole.

And why shouldn't he? After all, we teach him that God created the heavens and the earth. We teach him that God made all of the living creatures on land, in the air, and in the sea. We teach him that each and every delicate flower and plant that he sees comes from the Lord. So why wouldn't he believe that God could fill that great big hole with flowers? It makes sense. Simple, even.

So you know what we're going to do? We're believing with Hayden that God will fill that hole with flowers. And not flowers purchased from Lowe's or Home Depot either. Flowers that the Lord Himself will provide. I know that this whole story may sound crazy to you, and that's okay. But this simple act of child-like faith has taught me so much  this week.

It has shown me that faith is more than just believing in something. It is confident. Unwavering. Simple. Active. Fearless. Beautiful. Loyal. Complete. Satisfied. All- embracing. Secure. Effective. Committed. Devoted. Trusting.


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