Friday, August 17, 2012

Be Still, Oh My Soul

In our world of fast food, microwaved dinners, voice activated systems, text messages, social media, sykpe, face-time, and smart phones; it is no wonder we have lost the art of stillness. Tossed about by the waves of chaos and self gratification, we have been deceived by the enemy into believing the illusion that somehow, someway, more is better.

more activities.
more events.
more meetings.
more deadlines.
more Bible studies.
more church programs to attend.
more church committees to serve on.

more. more. more.

While these are all good- necessary even at times- in the lives of the believer; I fear that we (especially) women, are doing far too much. Far too much.

This only leads to a hurried life.
A rushed life.

A life so full of chaos that we miss the still small voice of God asking us to cease striving. Cease running after the things of this world that only offer temporary satisfaction at best. Cease chasing after the illusive American Dream. Cease climbing the corporate latter. Cease wasting your time and energy on things that offer up little to no eternal value.

I fear that He is crying out, "Enough is enough!" Only we are in such a hurry that we simply pass Him by.

When was the last time you sat at the Lord's feet?
Just the two of you?
Without distraction.
Without all of the noise.
In the stillness of early morning.
The quiet hours before dawn.

I confess to you that this has proven difficult for me and is something the Spirit has convicted me of as of late. I struggle with being still. I struggle with willingly sacrificing the extra hours of sleep to go and meet with Him. Please hear me, I still meet with the Lord, but it usually takes place after everyone in our household has started their day. Breakfast has been served. Greg is off to work. My daily to-do list staring me in the face. And so my time in the Lord's Presence is often hurried and full of distraction.

I know that He delights in meeting with me regardless of how and when I come, and He blesses the time that we spend together; but I wonder how much more He wishes to say to me, if only I had met with Him in the stillness? What am I missing out on because I have been unwilling to sacrifice my time?

Friends, I am convinced that the secret to knowing God. To hearing His voice. To seeing Him move in power... The secret to knowing what is on His mind- what is on His heart- what He is most passionate about- is being still.

Sitting at His feet in quiet surrender.

Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10

He is there, patiently waiting for us in the stillness.

Will you quiet your heart enough to meet with Him?

A Community of Mothers


  1. I'm so guilty of getting caught up in everything and not making time for my relationship with God. Thank you for this helps me see that I need to set other things aside and put Him as my priority.

  2. Megan! This is my life verse. I am so blessed and encouraged by your words. THANK YOU! You are right, and I love how you said this, "Friends, I am convinced that the secret to knowing God. To hearing His voice. To seeing Him move in power... The secret to knowing what is on His mind- what is on His heart- what He is most passionate about- is being still."
    Sitting at His feet with you!

  3. What a beautiful post! That is definitely something I need to keep in mind. Like you said, it is far too easy to get caught up in our day and forget to be still and listen to the Spirit. Thanks for sharing!


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