Saturday, October 13, 2012

LifeWay Texarkana: Celebrating our Local Heroes

LifeWay Christian Resources will often host Kid's Days at their local stores throughout the year-each with it's own theme that typically coincides with a new Veggie Tales DVD release. Veggie Tales releases The League of Incredible Vegetables on October 16th, so naturally today's theme involved super heroes. Our LifeWay in Texarkana wanted to honor our local heroes and invited the Texarkana Police and Fire Departments to join them.

Hayden and Rylan have been talking about Kid's Day non-stop this week! They are infatuated with firetrucks and Rylan will tell anyone within earshot that he wants to be a fireman when he grows up. 

{The fire department also visited his school this week so he was one happy camper}

The officers were incredibly kind and showed all of the kids how to use the equipment, allowed them to tour the various parts of the firetruck, and gave them each a goodie bag to take home. 

Hayden was disappointed that they didn't turn on the sirens while we were there, but he was excited to get his picture with the squad car!

As tradition, the boys didn't want to leave without getting a picture with their Daddy.

We honor you- our local heroes as well as their families- as they make tremendous sacrifices and are willing to lay down their lives if necessary, to protect the citizens of Texarkana and uphold justice. 
Thank you for all you do!

1 comment:

  1. I love visits to the firehouse. Our fireman are truly heroes and they are always so kind to the kids. Our local firehouse has an annual pancake breakfast fundraiser. Such a great family event!


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